We have a great team for the 2011 trip!
- Kellye & Jesse Schroeder (Trip leaders): Kellye and Jesse have been married for almost 8 years, and love international travel. In addition to Guatemala, they love visiting new cities in the U.S., anywhere in Europe, and most recently Puerto Rico! This will be their fifth trip to Guatemala, and they are really looking forward to seeing old friends, spending time with the children in the villages, and sharing their love for Central America with the other people on the Guat '11 team.
Jesse & Kellye at "El Morro" in Puerto Rico |
- Kacey: This will be Kacey's second trip to Guatemala; she was on the 2010 team last year. She rides reining horse and loves animals, especially Kitty (her horse) and Tucker (her puppy). She feels a call for missions can't wait to see what God has planned for her life and this trip. She says, "Last year when I left Guat I felt like I left a piece of my heart there. I can't wait to go back and grow deeper in a relationship with Him."
Kacey with her puppy, Tucker |
Kacey doing a craft with a child at a Guatemalan school in 2010 |
- Jonathan: Jonathan a senior at GCCS, likes to play basketball, soccer, and pretty much just hang out. He does not yet know where he is attending college but plans to major in Business Management. He has been on 4 mission trips to Mexico with his family and is very excited to go to Guatemala this summer. He hopes to continue to make trips to Guatemala, Mexico and wherever else God tells him to go, and plans on one day being a part time missionary.
Jonathan in Mexico
- Amanda: Amanda is a senior at Grove City Christian School, loves to play soccer, to travel the world and bake desserts! Her favorite is cheesecake :) Next year she will be attending the University of Kentucky (GO CATS!!) to study nursing and one day be a medical missionary!
Amanda |
- Elizabeth: Libby loves to travel and learn about different cultures. She also enjoys running track, and her favorite saying is, "you can run forever if you know how to breathe!"
Libby: always a "thumbs up" |
- Kayleigh: Our team member from California!! She loves traveling and plans on traveling the world. She has lots of friends and they like to do just weird fun things with pretty much have no shame. Kayleigh says, "I love everyone I meet to a point, There's nothing I'm particularly 'good' at, but that's okay with me as long as I enjoy time passed. I don't eat meat, I love thrift stores, and my mother is a badass."
Kayleigh...."fun, weird, and pretty much no shame" |
- Molly: There are few people how know how to have has much fun as Molly does! She is a talented musician, and an amazing friend. Right now, she lives in West Virginia with her dog Dora. One of her favorite quotes is, "Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent."
Molly |
- Dorothy: Dorothy is a freshmen at the Ohio State University. She has a love for people and a helpful heart. We are really glad she is on the team, because there is a never a dull moment when Dorothy is around!!